This week, FilmDoo is proud to announce the release of At First Glance, the latest in our ever-growing collection of queer short film compilations, offering female-focused stories from the regions of Australia, Spain, Italy, Germany, Norway and […]
This week, FilmDoo is proud to announce the release of At First Glance, the latest in our ever-growing collection of queer short film compilations, offering female-focused stories from the regions of Australia, Spain, Italy, Germany, Norway and […]
Watch Present Perfect and Present Still Perfect on FilmDoo For his 2017 feature debut, Present Perfect, Thai director Aam Anusorn Soisa-Ngim drew from his own experiences to tell the story of Toey (Adisorn Tonawanik) and Oat (Kritsana Maroukasonti), a pair […]
Watch Kind People: Untold Stories of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb for free on FilmDoo With his new film Kind People: Untold Stories of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb, director Kazumi Matsumoto puts a spotlight on the individual […]
This week, we’re putting a spotlight on compelling stories of romance across cultures. These movies depict love and companionship found over geographical borders, spanning the globe from Germany to Japan and beyond. Scroll down for our […]
The last twenty years have served as a flourishing period for the Afghan film industry after the events of 2001 marked a turning point for homegrown cinema. In 1996, the Taliban outlawed the creation of all films, and it […]
With the summer nearing its end, we thought we’d take a moment to spotlight some of the cinematic gems coming out of the sunny islands of Okinawa. These films showcase the picturesque landscapes and […]