Director: Mahmoud Ghaffari Watch Hair on FilmDoo From its silent opening scene of a young woman weeping as she fiercely combs out her long dark hair (an intensely watchable Shabnam Akhlaghi, her performance both febrile and contained), Mahmoud Ghaffari’s […]
Middle East
Though Afghan actor/director/producer Salim Shaheen is a formidable talent in exactly none of his chosen fields, his larger-than-life personality brings an unpolished charm to his no-budget cinematic output, as well as making him a uniquely […]
Director: Sonia Kronlund London Film Festival review Afghan actor/director Salim Shaheen is the kind of magnetic figure who’s funny, charismatic and strange enough to carry a whole documentary on the strength of his personality. Of […]
What is now referred to as “The Iranian New Wave” is an ongoing movement that has been taking place for about 50 years, throughout many major political and social changes in Iran. It is comprised […]