This week, we’re putting a spotlight on some exciting new additions to our ever-expanding collection of queer short film compilations, along with a pair of critically acclaimed dramas we have newly available from China. Scroll down to […]
This week, we’re putting a spotlight on some exciting new additions to our ever-expanding collection of queer short film compilations, along with a pair of critically acclaimed dramas we have newly available from China. Scroll down to […]
Watch Present Perfect and Present Still Perfect on FilmDoo For his 2017 feature debut, Present Perfect, Thai director Aam Anusorn Soisa-Ngim drew from his own experiences to tell the story of Toey (Adisorn Tonawanik) and Oat (Kritsana Maroukasonti), a pair […]
This week, we bring you a new selection of queer film compilations from NQV Media and Feelsales, featuring acclaimed and award-winning shorts from France, the US, Germany and beyond. Scroll down to learn more! The Male Gaze: […]
Director: Terence Davies London Film Festival 2021 review Mortality permeates the air in Benediction, a powerfully sombre work where each moment seems to mourn its own passing. As with 2016’s excellent Emily Dickinson biopic A Quiet […]
This week, we bring you a selection of short film compilations from our friends at NQV Media, featuring award-winning queer and coming-of-age stories from around the world, plus some exciting new shorts from the UK, courtesy of […]