Watch Distance on FilmDoo Spanning nations and eras to create a melancholic picture of our current times, Asian anthology film Distance casts Taiwanese actor Chen Bolin as three different men whose lonely stories (one in China, one […]
Watch Distance on FilmDoo Spanning nations and eras to create a melancholic picture of our current times, Asian anthology film Distance casts Taiwanese actor Chen Bolin as three different men whose lonely stories (one in China, one […]
This week, we bring you a vibrant selection of Southeast Asian films, newly available from Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and more, plus an erotic indie flick from Hong Kong and an insightful wartime drama from Mongolia. […]
Interview translated by Lyn-Kateri Visedsuk Watch Fathers on FilmDoo Tackling a subject oft-neglected by cinema in general but Southeast Asian cinema in particular, Palatpol Mingpornpichit’s Fathers is the sweetly simple tale of gay couple Phoon (Asda Panichkul) and Yuke (Nat Sakdatorn), their […]
Director: Palatpol Mingpornpichit Watch Fathers on FilmDoo Palatpol Mingpornpichit’s Fathers is a gentle drama of emotionally loaded issues, seemingly crafted under the notion that the best way to get your argument across is to say it with inviting clarity and warmth. […]
By Jessica Duncanson Watch Asian films on FilmDoo From mid-20th Century Japan to modern day Korea, these films depict strong female protagonists and their fight against a range of social pressures. While these five works revolve […]
By Sharon Calingasan Everyone loves a good action-packed movie where the fast-handed hero bests a mob of bad guys with a combination of kicks and jumps amidst shouts and shrieks. Here is a list of […]