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They’re only stories… or are they? Delve into these terrifying French shorts for some quick scares, if you dare. A compilation of Horror shorts from daring French filmmakers.
Two brothers decide to revive what still unites them, one last time.
A car drives on a lonely highway in the middle of nowhere. Aboard, a man is listening to the radio to keep himself awake when everything switches off: the radio, the car engine, the street lighting, his cell phone and his watch.
Justine, who goes by Junior, is a 13-year-old tomboy with pimples and a unique sense of humor. After unexpectedly contracting a stomach virus, her body becomes home to a bizarre metamorphosis.
Following the slaughter of one of their own, the undead have gone on strike. A journalist team receives their spokesperson accompanied by his trainer for an exclusive interview.
During a babysitting, Sarah tells her friend Julie a scary story that took place in the area...
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