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A polar station on a desolate island in the Arctic Ocean - Sergei, a seasoned meteorologist, and Pavel, a recent college graduate, are spending months in complete isolation on the once strategic research base. Pavel receives an important radio message and is still trying to find the right moment to tell Sergei, but his innate fear of the older man prevents him passing on the message. From this deception, lies and suspicions start poisoning the atmosphere that leads to a suspense-filled climax . The actors Sergei Puskepalis and Grigory Dobrygin were jointly awarded the Best Actor Prize in this year’s Berlin Film Festival for their performances as two men forced to carve out a relationship of trust and, ultimately, forgiveness in the desolate Russian Arctic.
How I Ended This Summer is a visually stunning existentialist drama of survival, entirely filmed on location at one of the remotest and bleakest places in the world.
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