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Lotte is impulsive and rough around the edges, yet still always amiable - but above all, she is equipped with a typical Berlin-style big mouth. With this character attributes, she sometimes gets in trouble: at work, with her friends, and even with her boyfriend, who throws her out, unceremoniously.
So, Lotte is looking for a place to sleep and shows up at work in the hospital with her suitcase. There, after a chaotic day, she meets fifteen-year-old Greta, who seems to be very grown-up and they make friends, gently. But when Lotte sees Greta together with Marcel, a friend from her suppressed past, and their glances meet, she knows that there will be no escape. Something seems to grow together here, which doesn't belong together. However, Lotte would not be Lotte if she didn't save her neck, in her very special and unconventional way, even in this situation. At least for the moment…
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