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When unexpected radiation raises the dead, a microcosm of Average America has to battle flesh-eating zombies in George A. Romero’s landmark cheapie horror film. Siblings Johnny (Russ Streiner) and Barbara (Judith O’Dea) whine and pout their way through a graveside visit in a small Pennsylvania town, but it all takes a turn for the worse when a zombie kills Johnny. Barbara flees to an isolated farmhouse where a group of people are already holed up. Bickering and panic ensue as the group tries to figure out how best to escape, while hoards of undead converge on the house; news reports reveal that fire wards them off, while a local sheriff-led posse discovers that if you “kill the brain, you kill the ghoul.” After a night of immolation and parricide, one survivor is left in the house.
Night of the Living Dead is the progenitor of the contemporary "zombie apocalypse" horror film, and it greatly influenced the modern pop-culture zombie archetype.
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