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A nifty independent film that has won plaudits at sci-fi film festivals around the world, gripping TIME LAPSE takes a well-worn science fiction trope, time travel, and infuses it with flavours retro and new, from Polaroids to modern-day gadgets and relationships.
In a sleepy apartment building, three 20-something roommates discover their scientist neighbor dead. Within his apartment they find a giant experimental machine that takes pictures 24 hours into the future. The camera is aimed into the trio's apartment, continuing to run and showing glimpses of their life a day in advance.

Armed with this revelation, the three conspire to exploit the machine's abilities. After enjoying the power of being one step ahead in life, disturbing images begin to arrive. A tense love-triangle emerges, and a sinister enemy begins sniffing around. The relationships begin to unravel and the trio descend into a dark future they no longer have control of.
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