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This week, we bring you a pair of dark new thrillers from India and France, plus a surreal animated short from the UK. Scroll down to . More
By Sharon Calingasan Everyone loves a good action-packed movie where the fast-handed hero bests a mob of bad guys with a combination of kicks and . More
Park Kiyong (b. 1961) is a singular figure in Korean film culture: a KAFA graduate who went on to combine a filmmaking career with a key role in film . More
This week, we bring you a new anthology of female-focused shorts, a star-studded documentary from the US and more! Into Her Own . More
Directors: Sivaroj Kongsakul, Shijie Tan and Xin Yukun Watch Distance on FilmDoo For the most part, film titles act as a calculated lure, . More
By Sharon Calingasan Director: Alexandra-Therese Keining Watch on Girls Lost from director Alexandra-Therese Keining (whose . More
By Leni De Castro Watch Thai Films on FilmDoo The Thai film industry stretches back to the time of King Chulalongkorn's visit to Bern, . More
By Leni De Castro Expect a degree of excellence in most Thai comedy films. These had to pass through years of evolution to get rid of the cliches . More
By Sharon Calingasan Watch Asian Films on FilmDoo Many people watch films in order to escape the real world and to be completely engaged with . More
By the time any filmmaker has won themselves the Palme d'Or, it's usually difficult to question their status as one of the big names of world cinema. . More
This week we bring you a short drama from South Korea, two Spanish-language works of gay cinema and a selection of horror films from Europe and the . More
by Alice Pickard 1. All About My Mother (Todo sobre mi madre, 1999, Spain, Pedro Almodóvar) The Spanish director is at his best in this . More
By Jonathan Walik Directed by Justine Triet Age of Panic (La Bataille de Solferino) created quite the stir when it debuted in Cannes in 2013. . More
By Asha New Director: Anne Émond Toronto International Film Festival review Our Loved Ones is a film that focuses on people, and the . More
By David Pountain Watch Cold Harbour on Carey McKenzie's Cold Harbour is a South African crime thriller informed by a new era of . More
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It’s a strange and unfortunate truth that the action genre is habitually relegated to the league of second-tier cinema by many of the most . More
This week, we bring you an eclectic mix of shorts and features, spanning the nations of Spain, China, Croatia and more, plus three new documentary . More
With Proud Mary still on general release, remakes of Cleopatra Jones and Super Fly in the works, a sequel to Shaft in pre-production and Foxy Brown . More
By Stephanie Hotz The Häns team, consisting of Enric Ribes and Oriol Martínez, describe themselves as "odd storytellers", and Xiong Di and . More
Open City Documentary Festival review Director: Wang Bing Wang Bing, one of China's most prolific documentarians, continues to relentlessly lay . More
By Lauren Hurrell Directed by Henrik Martin Dahlsbakken Gothenburg Film Festival review As one of three films shortlisted by Norway to be . More
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