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When I Saw You

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When I Saw You

Lamma Shoftak
  • Palestine
  • 2014
  • 93 minutes SD
  • Road Movie
  • Coming of Age
  • Arthouse

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1967. The world is alive and ripe with possibility--new music, style, hope. But in Jordan, thousands of refugees from Palestine are held waiting for their right to return to their homeland. Amidst this, a young boy yearns to be reunited with his father. Restlessly cooped up in the refugee camp, he secretly sets out on his own, and along the way, attaches himself to a group of young freedom fighters who take him under their wing. Together, they embark on a journey of adventure, driven by an unshakable resolve to be free.

Following on the acclaimed 'Salt of this Sea', writer and director Annemarie Jacir proves with When I Saw You that she has become a leader in Palestinian contemporary cinema. This heartfelt and moving film, Palestine's entry for the 2013 Academy Awards, is suffused with a distinct sense of this revolutionary time and place.